Eräitä huomioita Suomen poliittisesta järjestelmästä
Some Observations on the Political System of Finland

Art Direction and Book Design.

For four years photographer Sakari Piippo has followed politics on all levels from the government press briefings to municipal council halls, and from the marketplaces in the provinces to voting booths in the county halls. Some Observations on the Political System of Finland is a timely examination of the functioning of politics and offers a humane perspective on the mechanics of decision making. Besides Piippo’s work the book features essays by Ville Blåfield, Vappu Kaarenoja and Silvia Hosseini.

The book was awarded as The Most Beautiful Book in Finland 2019 and the project was displayed at The Finnish Museum of Photography.


Photos by Sakari Piippo. Texts by Ville Blåfield, Silvia Hosseini, Vappu Kaarenoja and Sakari Piippo. Pre-press by Petri Kuokka / Aarnipaja. Published by Kosmos. Printed by Livonia in Latvia 2019. Case photos by Teemu Ullgren.

© Anna-Mari Tenhunen 2024